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We have always ren­ted out new and used pia­nos in per­fect condi­tion at attrac­tive terms, with the option of buying them at a later date.

Ren­tal conditions
Month­ly ren­tal price sub­ject to availability

Upright pia­no
Grand pia­no
from CHF 45.00
from CHF 180.00
from CHF 60.00
from CHF 280.00
from CHF 90.00
from CHF 420.00

Contract dura­tion

The mini­mum lease term is :

  • 12 months
  • 24 months for a new grand pia­no over 175cm, a new upright pia­no worth over CHF 20,000.

or spe­cial order


What gua­ran­tees do you need to provide ?

When you sign the ren­tal contract, we will make a pho­to­co­py of your iden­ti­ty card and resi­dence per­mit, and ask you to pay the cost of trans­port to and from the pro­per­ty in advance, with the first month­ly payment.


Spe­cial offer !

If you pay the ren­tal annual­ly, we’ll give you the twelfth month­ly pay­ment. This means you only pay for ele­ven months ins­tead of twelve.


Pur­chase after rental

If you would like to become the owner of the ren­ted pia­no, just let us know and we’ll be hap­py to pre­pare a detai­led account for you. The soo­ner you buy a lea­sed pia­no, the less it will cost you. In the event of pur­chase during the first 6 months of ren­tal, all amounts paid, inclu­ding trans­port costs, will be deduc­ted without interest.

Please find below, illus­tra­ted by an example, the condi­tions of pur­chase after a lease of more than 6 months, for example 1 year :

Ini­tial value of ins­tru­ment (accor­ding to lease contract)
CHF 6’000.00
One year’s ren­tal : 12 x CHF 90.00
CHF 1’080.00
5% annual inter­est on the value of the piano
CHF 300.00
To be deduc­ted — Bonus in your favor
CHF 780.00
CHF 780.00
Amount to be paid to acquire the ins­tru­ment (less pre­paid return shipping)
CHF 5’220.00

Wha­te­ver the dura­tion of the lease, the annual inter­est is 6%, cal­cu­la­ted on the ini­tial value of the ins­tru­ment (accor­ding to the contract).


If playing the pia­no real­ly isn’t for you…

Once the mini­mum ren­tal per­iod of one year has been excee­ded, the ren­tal contract can be ter­mi­na­ted within 15 days. For a high-value, top-brand ins­tru­ment, please contact us.

We remain, of course, at your dis­po­sal for any fur­ther information…

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