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Fazio­li embo­dies an Ita­lian pia­no-buil­ding tra­di­tion that is unri­val­led in terms of qua­li­ty and rich­ness of sound. The com­pa­ny was foun­ded in 1981 by Pao­lo Fazio­li in Sacile, Ita­ly, and has since esta­bli­shed itself as one of the finest manu­fac­tu­rers of concert grand pia­nos and pia­nos in the world.

Fazio­li pia­nos are renow­ned for their excep­tio­nal­ly clear, brilliant sound, making them the pre­fer­red choice of many renow­ned pia­nists and musi­cal esta­blish­ments. Eve­ry Fazio­li ins­tru­ment is hand­craf­ted with the utmost care and pre­ci­sion, to gua­ran­tee the highest stan­dards of sound qua­li­ty and durability.

Our selec­tion of Fazio­li pia­nos and grand pia­nos is diverse and vast. Our expe­rien­ced advi­sors are on hand to help you find the ideal ins­tru­ment for your musi­cal needs.

Outs­tan­ding fea­tures of Fazio­li pia­nos include :

  • Excep­tio­nal­ly clear, brilliant sound
  • Hand­craf­ted with the utmost care and precision
  • High­ly appre­cia­ted by renow­ned pia­nists and musi­cal institutions
  • Use of inno­va­tive tech­niques and materials

If you’re loo­king for a pia­no that offers a per­fect balance bet­ween artis­tic expres­sion and tech­ni­cal mas­te­ry, then Fazio­li is the ideal choice for you.

Model Fazio­li F‑308

The F‑308 stands as the king of the Fazio­li grand pia­no range, a tru­ly majes­tic appea­rance in the world of musi­cal instruments.

Model Fazio­li F‑278

Le F‑278, un pia­no à queue de concert de Fazio­li, est le résul­tat d’une ingé­nie­rie magis­trale qui répond aux exi­gences les plus éle­vées des pia­nistes professionnels.

Model Fazio­li F‑228

Le F‑228 est une ode à la finesse et à la poly­va­lence de la construc­tion de pia­nos à queue.

Model Fazio­li F‑212

The F‑212 demons­trates Fazio­li’s com­mit­ment to musi­cal per­fec­tion and inno­va­tive craftsmanship.

Model Fazio­li F‑183

Le Fazio­li F‑183 est un exemple impres­sion­nant d’ar­ti­sa­nat exquis et de brillance tech­nique. Bien que plus com­pact, ce modèle par­ti­cu­lier est un concen­tré d’ex­cel­lence musi­cale, offrant un son pur et réso­nant excep­tion­nel, par­fait pour des cadres de concert intimes et des stu­dios professionnels.

Model Fazio­li F‑156

Un véri­table chef-d’œuvre arti­sa­nal, le Fazio­li F‑156 incarne la fusion de la tra­di­tion et de l’innovation.