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The grand pia­no is the ori­gi­nal type of pia­no, as oppo­sed to the upright, whose strings are arran­ged vertically.

Over­view of in-store models

Yama­ha S‑3X
in poli­shed black

CHF 56,933.00
Ren­tal : prices on request

Yama­ha S‑5X
in poli­shed black

CHF 67,835.00
Ren­tal : prices on request

C. Bech­stein
Concert L‑167 poli­shed black

CHF 92’000.00
Ren­tal : on request

C. Bech­stein
Concert A‑192 poli­shed black

CHF 107’000.00
Ren­tal : on request

Model Fazio­li F‑308

The F‑308 stands as the king of the Fazio­li grand pia­no range, a tru­ly majes­tic appea­rance in the world of musi­cal instruments.

Model Fazio­li F‑278

Le F‑278, un pia­no à queue de concert de Fazio­li, est le résul­tat d’une ingé­nie­rie magis­trale qui répond aux exi­gences les plus éle­vées des pia­nistes professionnels.

Model Fazio­li F‑228

Le F‑228 est une ode à la finesse et à la poly­va­lence de la construc­tion de pia­nos à queue.

Model Fazio­li F‑212

The F‑212 demons­trates Fazio­li’s com­mit­ment to musi­cal per­fec­tion and inno­va­tive craftsmanship.

Model Fazio­li F‑183

Le Fazio­li F‑183 est un exemple impres­sion­nant d’ar­ti­sa­nat exquis et de brillance tech­nique. Bien que plus com­pact, ce modèle par­ti­cu­lier est un concen­tré d’ex­cel­lence musi­cale, offrant un son pur et réso­nant excep­tion­nel, par­fait pour des cadres de concert intimes et des stu­dios professionnels.

Model Fazio­li F‑156

Un véri­table chef-d’œuvre arti­sa­nal, le Fazio­li F‑156 incarne la fusion de la tra­di­tion et de l’innovation.


Warm, luxu­rious har­mo­nies and power­ful bass reso­nance ema­nate from the body of the S5X pia­no, enchan­ting both pia­nist and audience in vir­tual­ly any per­for­mance space.


Cha­rac­te­ri­zed by warm, beau­ti­ful tones, the S3X has a roman­tic voice that eve­ry musi­cian longs for. Sui­table for use at home and in smal­ler per­for­mance spaces.

YAMAHA Silent C2X SH3 

This popu­lar series arouses the artis­tic emo­tions of pas­sio­nate gamers from all over the world and all eras. With its advan­ced sound and expres­sive cha­rac­ter, it uses the CFX heri­tage to trans­form any conven­tio­nal space into a concert hall.


In this popu­lar series, the artis­tic emo­tions of enthu­sias­tic players from all over the world and all eras are brought to the fore. Its advan­ced sound and expres­sive cha­rac­ter build on the CFX heri­tage to give any ordi­na­ry space the acous­tics of a concert hall.


This popu­lar series arouses the artis­tic emo­tions of pas­sio­nate gamers from all over the world and all eras. With its advan­ced sound and expres­sive cha­rac­ter, it uses the CFX heri­tage to trans­form any conven­tio­nal space into a concert hall.


Excellent balance and full sound. Eve­ry inch of this com­pact CX series model reflects Yama­ha’s pas­sion for the per­fect piano.

Stein­way & Sons S‑155

The smal­lest Stein­way grand pia­no impresses with its inimi­table touch and fea­tures all the ele­ments that make each Stein­way unique : power, tone color, the finest mate­rials and per­fect craftsmanship.

Stein­way & Sons O‑180

The O‑180 grand pia­no offers an extre­me­ly pre­cise and unique touch. It meets the most deman­ding requi­re­ments and offers all the tech­ni­cal and ins­pi­ra­tio­nal fea­tures that advan­ced or pro­fes­sio­nal musi­cians may need.

Stein­way & Sons M‑170

The M‑170 gives music a per­so­nal and inimi­table cha­rac­ter. Com­pa­red with the smal­ler S‑155 model, its lon­ger strings and lar­ger sound­board pro­vide more power and a richer tone.

Stein­way & Sons D‑274

Wide­ly regar­ded by the world’s grea­test pia­nists as the best pia­no in the world, the D‑274 is at home on 96% of the world’s grea­test stages, cap­ti­va­ting audiences with its excellent sound. 

Stein­way & Sons C‑227

The C‑227 is your gua­ran­tee of a suc­cess­ful concert. From deli­cate pia­nis­si­mo to power­ful for­tis­si­mo, from clear high notes to deep bass, the C‑227 is the link bet­ween com­po­ser, per­for­mer and audience.

Stein­way & Sons B‑211

Le modèle B‑211 est sou­vent appe­lé « le pia­no à queue par­fait ». Les ama­teurs exi­geants, les pro­fes­sion­nels et les ins­ti­tu­tions savent tous appré­cier la valeur de cet ins­tru­ment d’ex­cep­tion. Sa large palette de nuances et sa sono­ri­té extrê­me­ment riche placent ce modèle en haut de la gamme des pia­nos Steinway.

Stein­way & Sons A‑188

This large quar­ter-tail will satis­fy the most deman­ding pia­nists. It dazzles with its rich sound modu­la­tion, pre­ci­sion and wide spec­trum of har­mo­nic nuances. With a length of 188 cm, it easi­ly fits into any interior.