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Yama­ha is a world-renow­ned Japa­nese manu­fac­tu­rer of musi­cal ins­tru­ments, with a his­to­ry dating back to 1887. The com­pa­ny has ear­ned a repu­ta­tion as a lea­ding manu­fac­tu­rer of pia­nos and grand pia­nos thanks to its com­mit­ment to inno­va­tion, qua­li­ty and musicality.

Yama­ha pia­nos are renow­ned for their clear, balan­ced sound and excep­tio­nal build qua­li­ty. They are a popu­lar choice for musi­cians of all levels, from begin­ners to pro­fes­sio­nal artists, thanks to their relia­bi­li­ty and versatility.

Our selec­tion of Yama­ha pia­nos and grand pia­nos is vast and varied. Our experts are on hand to help you choose the per­fect ins­tru­ment for your musi­cal needs and ambitions.

Outs­tan­ding fea­tures of Yama­ha pia­nos include :

  • Clear, balan­ced sound
  • Outs­tan­ding manu­fac­tu­ring quality
  • Relia­bi­li­ty and versatility
  • Appre­cia­ted by musi­cians of all levels

If you’re loo­king for a pia­no that offers qua­li­ty, playa­bi­li­ty and won­der­ful sound, then Yama­ha is the ideal choice for you.


Warm, luxu­rious har­mo­nies and power­ful bass reso­nance ema­nate from the body of the S5X pia­no, enchan­ting both pia­nist and audience in vir­tual­ly any per­for­mance space.


Cha­rac­te­ri­zed by warm, beau­ti­ful tones, the S3X has a roman­tic voice that eve­ry musi­cian longs for. Sui­table for use at home and in smal­ler per­for­mance spaces.


This popu­lar series arouses the artis­tic emo­tions of pas­sio­nate gamers from all over the world and all eras. With its advan­ced sound and expres­sive cha­rac­ter, it uses the CFX heri­tage to trans­form any conven­tio­nal space into a concert hall.


In this popu­lar series, the artis­tic emo­tions of enthu­sias­tic players from all over the world and all eras are brought to the fore. Its advan­ced sound and expres­sive cha­rac­ter build on the CFX heri­tage to give any ordi­na­ry space the acous­tics of a concert hall.


This popu­lar series arouses the artis­tic emo­tions of pas­sio­nate gamers from all over the world and all eras. With its advan­ced sound and expres­sive cha­rac­ter, it uses the CFX heri­tage to trans­form any conven­tio­nal space into a concert hall.


Excellent balance and full sound. Eve­ry inch of this com­pact CX series model reflects Yama­ha’s pas­sion for the per­fect piano.


CLP Series digi­tal pia­nos use the very best of Yama­ha’s tech­no­lo­gies to ensure that the ins­tru­ment responds per­fect­ly to the musi­cian’s eve­ry need.


CLP Series digi­tal pia­nos use the very best of Yama­ha’s tech­no­lo­gies to ensure that the ins­tru­ment responds per­fect­ly to the musi­cian’s eve­ry need.


CLP Series digi­tal pia­nos use the very best of Yama­ha’s tech­no­lo­gies to ensure that the ins­tru­ment responds per­fect­ly to the musi­cian’s eve­ry need.


The P‑121 is a digi­tal pia­no that offers top-qua­li­ty pia­no per­for­mance in a com­pact, ele­gant desi­gn. Easi­ly trans­por­table and easy to use, this ins­tru­ment will give you the same plea­sure of playing the pia­no in all circumstances.


The P‑125 is a digi­tal pia­no that offers top-qua­li­ty pia­no per­for­mance in a com­pact, ele­gant desi­gn. Easi­ly trans­por­table and easy to use, this ins­tru­ment will give you the same plea­sure of playing the pia­no in all circumstances.


The P‑515 is the first com­pact pia­no to offer access to the fabu­lous world of the world-renow­ned Yama­ha CFX and Bösen­dor­fer Impe­rial concert pia­nos. Thanks to VRM tech­no­lo­gy, they are repro­du­ced in all their reso­nance and detail.


Les pia­nos numé­riques ARIUS sont des ins­tru­ments fine­ment conçus, résul­tant de plus d’un siècle de tech­no­lo­gies et d’expertise Yama­ha. Par­fait pour les ama­teurs et les étu­diants, l’A­RIUS YDP-S54 est un ins­tru­ment com­pact, peu encom­brant, qui s’in­tègre par­fai­te­ment aux inté­rieurs contemporains.